Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott


America seems to be on a downward spiral and things aren't looking good. But we also see sparks of revival taking place on college campuses, in local churches and in communities. Those sparks give us glimmers of hope that, biblically, if America did this ONE THING, it would make all the difference in the world. Discover what it is and how you can be part of it in this episode of What's the Bible Say?.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

What Do You Do & How Do You Pray for Your Unsaved Loved Ones? Here’s help!

If you have loved ones who don’t know Christ, you know how agonizing it can be. But what are some things we can do while we’re waiting for them to give their lives to the One who gave His life for them?

Discover 3 things you can do and 5 verses you can pray while God is at work behind the scenes of their lives, wooing them to Himself.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

God Want’s Us to Be Happy! Or Does He?

Christian leaders have very differing views about the important question, "Does God want us to be happy?". Some say "yes" God wants you to be happy! Others say "no" - God doesn't care if you're happy. He just wants you to be holy. And still others aren't really sure.

Today, find out what the Bible REALLY says about whether or not God wants you to be happy! You might be very surprised by the answer because it's not as cut and dry as some might say!

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

In a Very Dark World, Be This…

Voddie Baucham recently said, "We're not seeing terrible things in our culture because we vote the wrong way. We're seeing terrible things in our culture because men love darkness rather than light."

So, what do we do when the world around us is so very dark? What's the Christian response to darkness supposed to be?

Discover some super practical responses to this very dark world in this short 18 minute video.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

The Daily Examen - ancient time-tested prayer prompts that can help you today!

Over 500 years ago, Ignatius of Loyola developed the Daily Examen to help people draw closer to God. It is still used by the Jesuits twice a day and by other's around the world daily to help them be aware of God's presence and know God more.

Whether you're struggling with anxiety, having a hard time falling asleep, or you just want to draw closer to God, the Daily Examen will help.

Discover a closer, more reflective way to pray in this episode of What's the Bible Say?

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott


We’ve all dealt with insecurities, but sometimes they can be debilitating. Sadly, some people stay stuck in the ranks of the insecure because they don’t know how to overcome them. Well, not any more. Take 16 minutes and watch this episode of What’s the Bible Say? and discover 4 super practical steps that will set you free from your insecurities, starting today!

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Read the Bible Through - No Timeline, Just Consistency

If you've ever wanted to read the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation but felt overwhelmed or gave up when you got behind, this is going to be a big breakthrough to help you read the Bible all the way through without a timeline.

Don't give up! Dig in with this super helpful resource to keep you reading all the way through!

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Why Do I Have a Critical Spirit & How Can I Get Victory Over It?

We've all struggled with having a critical spirit a some point in our lives, but sometimes, it latches on and all we seem to do is find fault. Why is that? What do we do about it? How can we find victory over it when we realize we have a critical spirit?

And watch to the end and find out how to share constructive criticism when your critique is valid.

Find out in this short 15 minute episode today!

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

In the 21st Century! So, Seriously… Does Doctrine Really Matter Anymore?

In the 21st century, does doctrine really matter anymore? After all, Jesus told us that the most important thing is that we love God with all our heart, soul and mind… and that we are to love our neighbor as ourselves. So, if He said that ALL the Law and the Prophets hinge on those 2 Commandments - does it matter whether or not we know doctrine? Find out today!

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

You Don’t Have to Stay Stuck!

We’ve all been stuck. Stuck in a job, in a relationship, in a bad situation, in a calling or ministry, or just stuck waiting to move from where we are to where we long to be. But the thing is, we don’t have to stay stuck!

In this episode, Stephanie and Rebecca share 6 questions you can ask yourself the next time you feel stuck that will help you become unstuck and begin a fresh new season starting today!

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

What You Might Not Know About Republicans & Democrats

We often align ourselves with groups we know little about. That’s true with political parties as well. In this episode, we’ll share some facts about the surprising origins of both parties, what they stand for now and how their stances align with Scripture.

We hope this will help us all be more informed when we vote in the upcoming elections.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

What to Do the Next Time You’ve Been Rejected

We’ve all experienced rejection. Some more than others. It’s painful and even humiliating. But it doesn’t have to wreck you.

In this episode, Stephanie and Rebecca share 5 things you can do the next time you feel rejected that will help you be better because of it instead of being defeated by it.

And don’t forget to go to our Resource Page and get a copy of your own free downloadable, 5 Things to Do he Next time You’ve Been Rejected.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

THIS 1 Thing Will Change Your Marriage!

Marriage is seldom easy but it doesn't have to be as hard as we often make it. We could dramatically change our marriages if we simply do one thing! And you might be very surprised what that is.

Listen to this episode of What’s the Bible Say and find out how you can literally change your marriage if you’d apply this one thing!

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

5 MORE Things We DON’T Want Our Children to Learn from Church

In our last episode, we shared 5 thing we don’t want our kids to learn from church…and today, we’re going to share 5 more.

If you've suffered from church hurt or you know someone who has, you may be familiar with one or more of these things we don't want our children (or even adults) to learn from church.

A lesson we can learn is that we are ambassadors for Christ and the church of Christ needs to be careful that they don't wound the ones they should be wooing to Jesus.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

5 Things We DON’T Want Our Children to Learn from Church

There are a million and one things we want our children to learn from the local church we attend. However, there are some things we DON’T want them to learn.

This is SO important because the faith of children (and even adults) can be tainted by some of the things they see and experience in the church that don’t line up with the biblical model of a local body of believers.

So, in this episode, we’ll share 5 of those things we don’t want them to learn from church and in the next episode, we’ll share 5 more.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

5 Things You Need to Know BEFORE You Make an Important Decision!

Decisions are SO important. Think about it…our life is determined by the sum of our decisions. John Maxwell said, “The choices we make, make us.” So, how do we make important decisions…especially when there are real consequences to every decision we make?

In this episode, we share 5 biblical and 5 practical things you really need to know BEFORE you make an important decisions! We make decisions every day…so this is an episode you don’t want to miss!

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

How to Have an Epoch Quiet Time

Have you heard you need to have a quiet time but don’t know what it really is or how to have one?

Or, maybe you’ve been having a quiet time but it’s become a box you check on your daily schedule instead of a beautiful and intimate time with God.

Today, we want to help you discover how to have a quiet time that is not only meaningful but also life-changing.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

What Are We Supposed to Do About Our Trust Issues?

If you have trust issues, you're not alone. In this candid interview with author and Bible Teacher, Jodi Aiken, find out how trust issues are not only a normal part of our human experience and how there are biblical fathers and mothers of the faith who also struggled with them...but also how to overcome them.

And don't forget to check out Jodi's new book, "Trust Issues" and learn how to build "A Foundation Of Trust In God For A Lifetime Of Peace, Joy, And Freedom." And let's be honest... that's something we all want!

Get your copy of Jodi Aiken’s new book at Amazon or Barnes and Noble today!

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Why Christians Should Stop Saying, “I’m Broken”

It’s so easy to have a distorted view of yourself and to see yourself as broken. Especially if we listen to the voices of not-so-well-meaning family and friends… or even the voices in our heads.

We say things like, “I’m broken, so that’s why I do what I do or think what I think.” And… “We’re all just broken people, living in a broken world, but that’s okay because God uses broken people.” But while that sounds comforting, is that really true? Are we… as Christians… really broken people?

Find out why we believe Christians should stop saying they’re broken.

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