Dear Atheist: There’s Something We Really Wish You Knew (Part 1)
This is part 1 of a 3 part series called, Dear Atheist, there’s something we really wish you knew. With so many people grappling with what they believe about God and getting their information from self-proclaimed atheists and deconstructionists, there are a few things we sure with atheists knew from Christians.
The 1st is, “Doubt and questions are a normal part of a person’s faith journey… but it’s where you go for your answers that really matters.” Goggling your answers or going to an atheist or deconstructionist is like needing heart surgery and going to a med school dropout and asking them to preform your surgery. The only difference is, this has eternal ramifications… souls hang in the balance.
Find out why it’s important to go to the right sources for your answers and what those sources are.