Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

A New Year & a Whole New You

Have you ever wanted to make the new year different…maybe even better than the year before? It’s really possible! And in this episode, we show you 4 super practical ways to make 2024 a year that your resolutions become a reality! No more looking back and wishing you would have done things differently. Start 2024 with these 4 steps and make this the year you do what you say instead of looking back on it with a lot of regrets.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott


If you’ve ever struggled to understand God’s love for you or what love should like like in real life, or maybe, you’ve had a hard time giving and receiving love… this episode is a must listen to for you. Join us in the last episode of our Advent series as we look at love and discover…

  • What’s the Bible say?

  • Why it matters.

  • How we can live it out in real life.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Advent Brings Joy

Joy can be illusive for all of us. But it doesn’t have to be. During this third week of Advent, discover what joy is, how you can have it today. No matter what your circumstances are, dear friend, joy can be yours in the morning.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Advent Brings Peace

Need peace? Peace doesn’t mean you don’t experience pain. It means your heart is at rest in the midst of the pain. Discover what biblical peace is and how to get it… and learn how to stop letting what’s going on around you control what’s going on inside you. Start experiencing the peace we all so desperately need today.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Advent Brings Hope

Have you ever wondered how Advent started and what's the significance of the wreath and the candles? You might be surprised and super blessed to find out how Advent came to be, how it's been celebrated throughout history and what the Bible says about what each candle represents.

In this episode, discover the history of Advent and the hope it brings as we look at...

  • What's the Bible Say

  • Why it matters

  • How we apply what we learn to our lives

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Christianity & Hanukkah

Does the Bible mention any kind of connection between Christianity and Hanukkah? Is there something more we should know or maybe even celebrate? In this episode, discover the interesting connection between Christianity and Hanukkah as we look at the history and heart of Hanukkah and discover…

  • What’s the Bible say

  • Why it matters

  • How it applies to our lives

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

The History & Heart of Thanksgiving

When one generation doesn’t understand how they got to where they are and have the blessings that they have, they aren’t able to really appreciate or respect what it took to get them to where they are now.

So, at a time when many aren’t told the story behind Thanksgiving Day and why we celebrate it, we at What’s the Bible Say? Want to take a few minutes and share a bit about our godly heritage and how Thanksgiving Day came to be.

After we look at the history of Thanksgiving, we’ll take a look at the heart of thanksgiving and see…

  • What the Bible says

  • Why it matters

  • How we can live out what we learn in real life.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

I Believe in God…that’s all that matters

Join us in our final but most consequential episode in our series, “Stuff People Say” as we examine a common response people give when asked if they know they are saved. “I believe in God…that’s all that matters.”

  1. What’s the Bible say?

  2. Why does it matter?

  3. How can we apply what we learn to our lives?

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Name It & Claim It

It's a popular prayer practice, but is "Name it and claim it" and "Decree it and declare it" biblical? It sounds biblical when you look at some of the verses that are used to support it. In this 5th episode in our series, Stuff People Say, we’ll examine these commonly used prayer practices along with what it means to pray in “Jesus’ name” and discover what the Bible says, why it matters and how to live out what we learn in real life.

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Culture Stephanie Shott Culture Stephanie Shott

Episode 04: Trust the Universe

What does it mean to, Trust the universe? It’s a popular quote, but is that even a thing? Join us for today’s episode where we will examine what Trust the universe means, what the Bible says about what and who we should follow, why it matters, and how that relates to our everyday lives.

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Relationships Stephanie Shott Relationships Stephanie Shott

Episode 03: Follow Your Heart

Have you ever been told to just follow your heart? It sounds so simple and so refreshing. But what does it mean? Is it reliable advice? What does the Bible say? Why is it important? How does it relate to us in real life?

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Episode 01: What is the Bible?

What is the Bible? What makes it different from any other book? Does it really have the power to speak life into our lives? Many have made assumptions about the what the Bible is. Some have based their beliefs about the Bible on what others have said. But what is the Bible, really? Join Stephanie and Rebecca in their first podcast and discover what the Bible is…why it’s so important…and how you can live it out in real life.

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