Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

4 Ways to Heal Your Hurting Heart

If you’ve ever been hurt by life or experienced the wounds that come from spiritual warfare, you know what’s it’s like to have scars on your heart. But what do you do when your heart hurts? How do you find healing for those heart-deep wounds?

You don’t have to live your life licking your wounds and devastated by heartache. Listen in and find 4 ways you can find healing for your hurting heart.

Find help and hope today!

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Why Does God Seem So Silent Sometimes?

Have you ever experienced a season of silence from God and wondered why? This episode will help you understand 4 possible reasons why God sometimes seems so silent in your life and what to do when it happens.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Lessons from a Duck

Sometimes, we try to handle things on our own. We feel like showing any kind of need for help might make us seem weak. But take 6 minutes and watch this video and discover how a duck and her little ducklings show us all how important and beautiful it is to help each other out.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Will We Know Our Loved Ones in Heaven?

We hear people say all the time after someone has died– Oh you’ll see them again. But is that just a myth to make people feel better? Or will we truly know each other in Heaven? You don’t have to keep wondering whether or not you will.

Find out what the Scripture says about who will be in Heaven and whether or not we’ll know them.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Be Intentionally Kind

You’ve probably heard of people doing “random acts of kindness.” But what if we considered being more intentionally kind? In an angry and snarky world, we have a choice. We can either be like others or we can be kind. We can either get caught up in and perpetuate the hostility or we can be kind.

What will you choose? I choose kindness. And not just random acts of kindness. I choose to be intentionally kind… to purpose in my heart that each day, I will look for specific ways to do intentional acts of kindness.

(Be sure to pop over to our Resource Page and download your free list of ideas to help you be intentionally kind today!)

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

What Is a Female?

It's a question that is being hotly debated today. People are struggling to feel comfortable in their own skin. Many are being pressured to choose something beyond their own reality.

But what does the Bible say?

Why does it matter?

How can we apply what we learn in real life?

Don't keep wondering if what you're thinking is right or not. Find out from Scripture and settle it once and for all.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott


The world may seem like it’s falling apart at the seams - but b/c we have Jesus - we don’t have to fall apart with it. Join us for this Cheer Up! episode where we share good, fun and funny stories that might not make the headlines but they're so good and so important and can inspire us, encourage us and even make our hearts smile.

In this, our first Cheer Up! episode, we want to remind you...hang in there and don't give up! If God has called you to it, He will see you through it.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Is the Intersection Between Faith, Politics & the Culture Biblical?

We live in a world that seems so angry and hostile towards Christianity. Christians are being bullied to be silent about political and cultural issues of the day. And we hear a lot about how there should be a separation between Faith, politics and the culture... but is that biblical? Is it even historically true for our country?

Find out what the Bible says, why it matters and how we can apply what we learn to our lives.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Candid Conversations About Ministries & Callings

Ministries and callings are part of the Christian experience. But how do you know what ministry you're called to? How do you know what your calling is? Join this Candid Conversation about how we got into ministry, how to know when God is calling you into ministry and how to distinguish between a ministry and a calling.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Dear Atheist: There’s Something We Really Wish You Knew (Part 3)

This is Part 3 of our Dear Atheist series in which we share one thought that we hope will encourage those who are struggling with their faith to keep on searching and to keep on seeking.

In this episode, we share. Dear Atheist, We Wish You Knew What It Really Means to Be a Christian.

We realize many have heard different ideas and have even experienced Christian community and church in various forms. But personally experiencing Christ is different than experiencing Church and what others may say Christianity is.

Take a few minutes and find out wha the difference really is.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Dear Atheist: There’s Something We Really Wish You Knew (Part 2)

This is Part 2 of our Dear Atheist series in which we share one thought that we hope will encourage those who are struggling with their faith to keep on searching and to keep on seeking. In this episode, we share. Dear Atheist, Don’t Settle for Not Knowing the Truth. Some who were motivated to prove there was no God have become Christians because they didn't stop searching until they found the truth for themselves. If an atheist decides they don’t believe in God, we hope they will consider what it is that they do believe and why.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Dear Atheist: There’s Something We Really Wish You Knew (Part 1)

This is part 1 of a 3 part series called, Dear Atheist, there’s something we really wish you knew. With so many people grappling with what they believe about God and getting their information from self-proclaimed atheists and deconstructionists, there are a few things we sure with atheists knew from Christians.

The 1st is, “Doubt and questions are a normal part of a person’s faith journey… but it’s where you go for your answers that really matters.”

Find out why it’s important to go to the right sources for your answers and what those sources are.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Why Is Common Sense Not So Common Anymore?

Have you noticed that common sense isn’t so common anymore? We’re in a dangerous place as a nation because there’s been a shift of seismic proportions in what we would call common sense. Find out why that’s true, what the Bible says, why it matters and how we can apply what we learn to real life.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

When Valentine’s Day Is Hard?

Valentine’s Day is just around the corner & there’s always a lot of talk about love and romance… cards, flowers, gifts, jewelry… But it’s not all hearts, hugs and kisses for everyone. For some… Valentine’s Day can be hard. So, what do you do when Valentine’s Day is hard? What’s the Bible say? Why does it matter? How can we apply what we learn to our lives?

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

What’s the Bible Say About Immigration?

In a 2020 poll taken by LifeWay, only 36% of respondents said the views they held on immigration were based on the Bible. It’s a controversial but important topic that the Bible speaks clearly to and you may be surprised by what it says. Find out what the Bible does say, why it matters and how to apply what it says to your life in this episode of What’s the Bible Say?.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Does God Have Favorites?

If you’ve ever wondered why God does certain things in some people’s lives and you haven’t seen Him do the same things in your life…and it’s made you wonder if God has favorites…this podcast is for you! Find out what the Bible says, why it matters, and how you can apply what you learn in real life.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Do All Lives Really Matter? Part 2

Do all lives really matter? It’s one of those questions that shouldn’t even be questioned…but in the world we live in, it is. Listen to Steph’s story and discover why all lives are of equal value, why a life is a life regardless of how that life is conceived, the ripple effect of each life and how God can make beauty out of ashes for you.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Do All Lives Matter - Part 1

Do all lives matter? If they don’t, who deems one of more value than another? Discover what the Bible says about whether or not God values all life and all lives, why it matters to know the value of all lives and how to actually apply what we learn in real life. This is part 1 or a 2 part series that might help you or someone you know rethink the importance of each life. (Be sure to share this with your friends.)

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

The Legacy of MLK Jr & a Look at What the Bible Says About Racism

Martin Luther King Jr was a wake-maker. He left a legacy we can learn from and changed the course of our nation. But while segregation may be a thing of the past, racism still exists. Discover 4 legacies MLK Jr left, what we can learn from them and what the Bible says about racism, why it matters, and how we can apply what we learn to our lives.

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Stephanie Shott Stephanie Shott

Why Go to Church?

Is church really important? Why go?

If you've gotten away from going to church because you're too busy, don't think it's relevant, haven't made your way back since Covid or perhaps you've been hurt by the church... this episode will help shed some biblical light on…
• what the Bible says about going to church
• why it's important
• and how to practically live out what you learn from Scripture.

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